Anytown Leadership Program is a human relations organization dedicated to embracing, educating and empowering leaders to cultivate inclusive communities.
We envision a just and equitable society that celebrates, appreciates and affirms all people.

Anytown Leadership Camp June 15th-21st, 2025

We embrace.
We embrace differences with the understanding that people of all backgrounds have common values and needs that unite them not regardless of differences – but with consideration and appreciation for differences in:

We educate.
We believe communities committed to open and honest conversation are the cornerstone of a just society. Anytown views open dialogue as a crucial step toward breaking down the barriers that separate individuals. We’re developing leaders and we build stronger communities by facilitating camp residential programs, school programs and workplace diversity programs that educate individuals on inclusion, bias, and discrimination.

Anytown leadership camp
Our flagship leadership camp designed to educate, liberate and empower youth participants to become effective, responsible leaders and change-agents in their communities.

anytown at school
A series of customized in-school and off-site programs built on the powerful and proven concepts of ANYTOWN, our flagship human relations youth leadership camp.

anytown at work (Powered by Inclusion Counts)
A robust range of trainings and technical assistance for – corporations, businesses, nonprofits and educational institutions doing business in a multicultural world.
We empower.
Our programming and consulting services provide the groundwork for transformative shifts in thought and action.
Anytown Leadership Program trains participants to become accountable, confident & equipped leaders who use their unique abilities to voices to advocate for inclusive and just communities.
If you listen, you can hear it:
Silence is Compliance
I never thought of myself as a political person. I wrongfully believed that someone like me—a young, Black Latina with no social capital, no connections, and no higher education—had no place in politics. It felt like a conversation I didn’t deserve to be a part of, a table where I had no rightful seat. That…
The Friendship Decline
Friendships are struggling. Recently, I watched a video titled “The friendship recession” by Richard Reeves who pointed out the very real challenges our society is facing when it comes to friendships. There has been an increasing decline in the amount of friends we have, people are seeing their friends less, people are meeting new people…
Black History, Our History.
As Black History Month comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on which Black figures in history I heard brought up in conversations, on posts, or in school. Being in college, I am able to receive a much more comprehensive education on Black figures and take classes in subjects like African American studies. Looking…
Ivonne’s Story: Learning About Ableism
I attended Anytown Leadership Camp in 2018 as a delegate and Anytown has changed my life. For starters, I made a lot of friends at Anytown. I liked that we would get together to do ice breakers and fun activities to start the day and sing by the campfire with everyone in the evening. During…